Before Light Undoes Us is a fiction short film that Chiara is currently working on. It’s her project that she will be making as her graduation film at LUCA School of Arts, Sint-Lukas.

The film tells the story about two best friends, Nala and Emma, who will spend their last night together going to a rave, as Emma will leave the city. Nala gives Emma a camcorder as a gift for her departure. They decide to film the whole night on it. As they're walking back home they talk about escaping, their fears, walking away from their responsibilities and the longing for another reality. They use the camcorder to film the city and transform it into a new, dreamy-like place, their own reality.

The Story is inspired by Chiara’s own experience becoming a young adult and her fears about growing up and being an escapist. As she has the feeling that she lives her life more in her own thoughts than in reality and feeling guilty about wanting to run away from her own responsibilities.

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